Krud KUN KHMER                                                                                                                            Traditionelle Kampfkunst                       

                                                           Meister V.Vath  

Voeurn Vath

born on 5th of January 1959 in Banteyneng, Srok Monkolborey, Khet Battambang. Cambodia1. Dan Taekwon-Do
Master of Khmer-Boran-Boxing
Masterinstructor 5. Dan Taekwon-Do
Master Germanist
Master of Social Education
1967          starts learning Khmer-Boran-Boxing
1968         starts learning Taekwon-Do
1968-75    Khmer-Boran-Boxing
Fights 35; Wins 32; Draws 3
1985         studies german languege and literature at the University
1985         earns the Masterdegree in Khmer-Boran-Boxing
1985         starts teaching Taekwon-Do
Studentgroup in Leipzig(Germany)
1985           starts teaching Khmer-Boran-Boxing
Studentgroup in Leipzig
1992         final examination at the University Leipzig
1992         starts teaching Taekwon-Do
in order of the School-office Dresden City(Germany)
1992         starts teaching Khmer-Boran-Boxing
in order of the School-Office Dresden City
1993         starts teaching Taekwon-Do in order of the
Foreigner-Advice-Association Dresden (Int.Culture-Center)
1993         starts teaching Khmer-Boran-Boxing in order of the
Foreigner-Advice-Association Dresden (Int.Culture-Center)
1994         starts teaching Taekwon-Do
Taekwon-Do Academy Dresden
1995         earns the degree of 2. Dan Taekwon-Do
1996         studies social education at the Technik University Dresden
1998         earns the degree of 3. Dan Taekwon-Do
1998         starts teaching Khmer-Boran-Boxing
Taekwon-Do Academy Dresden
2001         final examination at the University Dresden and earns the
degree of 4. Dan Taekwon-Do
2010          earns the degree of 5. Dan Teakwon Do